A few days ago Hillary Clinton came out in favor of labeling Isis, also known as Daish, as committing acts of Genocide against not just the Yazidi people but also Christians in both Iraq and Syria. Her exact words were:…

A few days ago Hillary Clinton came out in favor of labeling Isis, also known as Daish, as committing acts of Genocide against not just the Yazidi people but also Christians in both Iraq and Syria. Her exact words were:…
Besides the release of Star Wars, there was only one movie that I was looking forward to this December: The Hateful Eight. It was high on my radar since it was a Tarantino film, but also because he decided to shoot it on…
What starts off as an excellent investigation into the cause of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopahy) quickly tries to turn into something else and loses the ability to knock this one out the park. Will Smith shines with another solid performance…
I know I’ve written about nothing other than Star Wars since The Force Awakens came out. I promise this will be my last post on it for a while, but a funny thing happened watching the movie that I just…
December is always a month chop full with new biopics and courageous stories. Joy is no exception to that trend and it doesn’t manage to break free of the basement dweller status that many of these occupy.
While I disagree with the number of Oscar nods everyone thinks this film will get, I can definitely agree how strong the film is regardless. Adam McKay, fresh off his screenwriting success with Ant-Man, gets a crack at detailing the 2007 housing…
I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that even though The Force Awakens is a Star Wars movie, it is also a J.J. Abrams movie; meaning we have mysteries heaped upon unanswered mysteries by the time the credits rolled. Among many…
It’s the Holiday Season and nerds like us always like to celebrate in style. Check out some of the best offerings of Christmas cheer from the nerd world at large.
Like any self-respecting nerd (and ardent Star Wars fan), I took precautions to make sure I got to see the first possible showing of The Force Awakens available to me (7pm IMAX showing in a mall about an hours drive…
Update: This article was originally published on 7.29.2015 following the internet backlash of the first screenshots provided of Apocalypse in the new X-Men: Apocalypse: i.e. the Ivan Ooze conundrum. After the internet promptly did a 180 following the trailer for the…