By Trevor Law I was watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine the other day and it hit me: the weirdest crap happens to Miles O’Brien. It seems so odd that such a normal guy would have so many strange things…

By Trevor Law I was watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine the other day and it hit me: the weirdest crap happens to Miles O’Brien. It seems so odd that such a normal guy would have so many strange things…
By James Nelson I guess I should have expected this. With the runaway success that came from True Detective’s first season, every single network had to get in on the gritty, dark crime procedural. No more would shows like NCIS…
By Kenneth Shipp I have to stress the word “best” when you read this list. There were 3 movies in the the honorable mention list that I enjoyed a bunch, but will probably not rewatch them because of weak plot…