Sometimes, a board game is simple, quick, and to the point; other times, they are complex epics that you spend hours strategizing over with a rulebook open and a wiki at hand. It’s rare to find those games that you can…

Sometimes, a board game is simple, quick, and to the point; other times, they are complex epics that you spend hours strategizing over with a rulebook open and a wiki at hand. It’s rare to find those games that you can…
Bioware dropped another cinematic trailer yesterday, introducing both our new antagonist as well as providing a more in-depth look at the crew that joins the Pathfinder’s team. Though there was no gameplay provided, the trailer also provided a clearer glimpse…
The doors to The Nighthold opened 2 weeks ago and I found myself awed at some of the design. I haven’t been this impressed with a raid’s design since my first entrance into Ulduar. Take a moment and really look…
Nintendo has come out of the gates of 2017 swinging this year especially when it comes to their entry into the mobile gaming app market. Yesterday marked another entry into that market that actually came as quite a surprise in…
Without a doubt you’ve watched one of the stellar Marvel television series that have debuted in the last few years. The Netflix properties such as Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage as well as Agents of Shield have set a…
Yuuri!!! On Ice seemed to come out of nowhere the end of last year, taking the anime community by storm. Marketed as a sports anime produced by MAPPA, directed by Sayo Yamamoto and written by Mitsurō Kubo; the series follows…
Plopped right in the middle of this great country of ours is the fine town of Oklahoma City. I don’t believe I have to inform you of what state its located in…and if I do you might want to invest…
Welp looks like we are in fact getting an updated version of Mario Kart 8 after all! While this isn’t exactly a new entry in the series, it certainly has enough new content to convince us here at Nerd Union…
During the Nintendo Switch Presentation this evening, Nintendo finally quelled our fears as we got a sneak peak at some confirmed 3rd party titles for the console … And boy should you be excited.
Tonight we got a sneak peek at a brand new Fire Emblem game entititled “Fire Emblem Warriors!” Unfortunately though, outside of seeing all of the Iconic weapons from the Fire Emblem series, we don’t know anything else about the game…