Chinese director Frant Gwo may have just delivered the first bonafide China blockbuster and you’ll be able to enjoy it soon from the living room.

Chinese director Frant Gwo may have just delivered the first bonafide China blockbuster and you’ll be able to enjoy it soon from the living room.
Fans of Splendor will enjoy the resource drafting mechanic featured in Century: Golem Edition
In keeping with their recent turn towards non-historical offerings, like Test of Honor or Gates of Antares, UK-based brand Warlord Games continues to diversify their library with their newest entry, Warlords of Erehwon
Need another RPG to play? Are you a mass tabletop wargamer? Do you play Kings of War, specifically? If you answered yes to some or all of those questions, a Kings of War RPG is currently in the works for a Kickstarter launch sometime later this year.
We’ve learned this morning that Ben Affleck, who played the Caped Crusader in three recent DC films (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League, and a small cameo in Suicide Squad) will be stepping down. Let’s take a second to look back at his time as the Dark Knight and why, despite the poor ratings and divisive reaction to Snyder’s DC entries, Affleck managed to give a solid performance as Bruce Wayne / Batman.
It’s a sunny day in 1953. Five friends go out to the beach for a sunny Saturday picnic. Little do they know that TERROR lurks beneath the waves. A couple nearby swimmers cry out in panic and go under. The…
I was inspired by a WebDM video (at this point I can’t remember which) to think of atypical or unusual resources for DMs or other game runners. The video referenced Barbara Tuchman’s A Distant Mirror, a book about life in…
I was first introduced to Massive Darkness by CMON Games during the Overturn: Rising Sands Kickstarter debacle. Having finally been delivered a delayed alpha version of the rules prior to the end of the Kickstarter, backers noticed that the rules…