Only 5 more episodes (including these 3) remain before the season finale!!
Reminder: if you’re on the Tigh Maneuver, these are the three episodes you should be watching this week!!
Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down

This episode is the epitome of a goofball epiosde; Battlestar isn’t really known for having any silly episodes in the same vein of Star Trek or Stargate SG1. Those series occasionally dove into light-hearted fare and it wouldn’t disrupt the flow of a season. It may seem odd for BSG to do that, but this gives our characters a much needed pause from the action, especially before this final stretch into the season finale.
This won’t be the only “light” episode in the series, but it’s definitely the only one that I would call comedic in nature. Especially once the entire story culminates inside Dr. Baltar’s lab, all bets are off. It allows a fun chance for our regulars to generate some laughs from previously established storylines (Leoben’s whisper to Roslin, Adama and Roslin’s uneasy relationship, Tigh’s drinking habits, to name a few), without belittling or derailing them.
Additionally, Ronald Moore was no stranger to this concept, having worked on three Star Trek series: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, produced/writing over a hundred episodes. Adding too many to this BSG series,
Hand of God

Facing a dire fuel situation, Commander Adama is forced to launch Galactica’s first major offensive action in order to secure a Cylon manufacturing base. It’s a welcome change from the running that our characters have had to endure and gives them an opportunity to punch back. In true BSG multi-arc fashion, this story uses some details from Starbuck’s crash to create spectacular tension, and put some unfamiliar faces into the spotlight.
While this doesn’t directly reflect an original series episode, it does borrow some themes from “Gun on the Ice Planet Zero” were the Galactica faces another tight situation and has to shoot it’s way out to save the day.
Colonial Day

Yay, another Tom Zarek episode! We start to understand more of the political structure that existed on the 12 Colonies and how it will change going forward. This also starts to fulfill Apollo’s promise to Zarek back in “Bastille Day” and ticks us closer and closer to an eventual election.
Unfortunately, I can’t say a ton about this one without spoiling the other episodes on this list. However, I will urge you to keep a keen eye out throughout the episode; there’s some interesting questions that come as a result of this one that I’ll dive into later in the episode recap.