Reminder: if you’re on the Tigh Maneuver, these are the three episodes you should be watching this week!!
See aren’t you glad I didn’t spoil anything from last week? I know, you’re probably pissed about that finale, but hey it’s not like Battlestar ended, we’re still going with our next 3 episodes in season two, tackling the aftermath of Adama’s shooting and Roslin’s plan with Starbuck
Valley of Darkness

I like this episode for reintroducing some ignored pieces of technology from the miniseries while also foot stomping the danger of interacting with Cylon viruses and such. It puts pressure on other characters to respond nicely in a crisis without feeling forced.
Also…the fight that happens in this episode is pretty well done and lets us understand some previously unexplored tactics or strategies from the Cylons. There’s a slight flub that happens because of a deleted scene that’s unfortunate. It doesn’t actually disrupt the show’s flow, but I can understand why one particular aspect of Tigh’s understanding or execution of his plan may seem out of nowhere without it.

So imagine leaving Colonel Tigh in charge of anything for too long with zero assistance from Commander Adama…how well do you think that would go? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the annihilation of the human race or 10 being a supreme replacement for Adama (seriously, feel free to post your answers on our FB page or here on the site). That’s generally how I feel about Tigh’s rein as commander. He’s not incompetent, but his managerial style just about meshes with no one and he’s in order his head…okay maybe I just answered my own scale question.
Also….that episode reference is fantastic. I’ll explore the references more during the AMA and episode recap, but suffice it to say, depending on your gaming, military, or literary background it could mean a few different things to you.

If you’re watching this for the first time, I won’t dive into why the online BSG community never cared for Anders too much back in 2005. I honestly thought most of those complaints were poorly founded even back then. I always liked his portrayal and the situations he faced as a resistance fighter and loved that BSG went back to tackle their stories (and especially outside of Helo’s story since he was in a umm…special situation). I would love to detail his relationships with other characters from this episode on so just take some good notes when you watch (I’ll cover it more in the recap so it won’t be such a spoiler).
“BSG isn’t afraid to tackle moral debates and make our characters face tough decisions” is literally a thing I could post about most episodes. So I’ve really had to get creative in my phrasing so I don’t sound like a monotone centurion. That said, I’m going to highlight this episode and make reference to it when we get to the Pegasus episode towards the middle of season 2.