“Captain Marvel 2 News, Hamilton Arrives, Mandalorian news” The Commander Shipp show

Check out the show on our YouTube page to see Commander Shipp and Tom DeGroh’s shiny faces.

We will changing the show format just a bit…

Our first episode of the week will tackle the biggest movie news topics from over the weekend and from our last airing.

Our second episode will focus on a deeper topics like our DCEU recap, this week on Suicide Squad.

As movies start to make a return to theaters, or as we get more weekly releases we’ll have a final show to recap/review that new release to close out the week.

3 opportunities to digest the show, in slightly shorter formats (either on the podcast or on our YouTube channel), with all the same great movie content.

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Kenneth Shipp: Kenneth “Commander” Shipp has had opinions on movies since he was a kid…even if that meant talking to himself. He loves tackling the issues involved with our modern blockbusters while still enjoying the deep dives into the films you may have glossed over. You may still see him comment on his other loves (video games and television) whenever he has time. You can catch all his movie reviews here and listen to him on our weekly podcasts when they start back in August!!