Jude endures patient life. Monsignor Timothy takes on the devil.
**CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence, rape, and suicide**
Dr. Arden revives Kit from death and lies to him about the success of the experiment. Afterwards, he checks on Grace, who is guarded by Pepper, appointed by the aliens as Grace’s protector and granted clarity of mind and speech. Pepper reveals that she never killed her niece, but was framed by her brother-in-law and everyone believed him just because she looks like a freak and was unable to speak in her defense.
Sister Mary Eunice installs a jukebox in the common room, just to annoy Jude. She refuses to call Jude by name anymore, reducing her to her patient number. Jude antagonizes her, so Sister Mary Eunice retaliates by giving her electroshock therapy, turned up extra high. No longer able to think clearly, Jude returns to the common room and tries to unplug the jukebox. Lana sees how frazzled she is and tries to help her, asking if she even remembers her own name. This leads Jude to a hallucination of singing and dancing along with the jukebox to the song “The Name Game” – joined by Lana, Kit, and the other patients and staff. Later on, the Mother Superior who mentored Jude comes to visit her. Mostly Jude mumbles random things we understand from previous episodes but sound bizarrely out of context to Mother Superior. Jude spots Lana and gains control of her thoughts long enough to tell Mother Superior to help Lana get out of Braircliff.

Lana and Kit discover Thredson has been hired by Sister Mary Eunice as the asylum’s permanent psychiatrist, but there’s nothing they can do about it. Thredson snoops in Dr. Arden’s office and discovers Grace giving birth. He brings Kit to her after the birth to blackmail him into telling where the tape is. Lana has already moved the tape and threatens Thredson.
When Shachath visits Monsignor Timothy, it’s not to take him, but to charge him with releasing the demon from Sister Mary Eunice. Sister Mary Eunice tends to his wounds after he is rescued from the crucifix, and Monsignor Timothy tries to catch her by surprise and exorcise the devil. Sister Mary Eunice stops him with ease, taking it even farther by raping him—stealing his virtue and breaking his vows. Dr. Arden walks in on them and is upset by this. He goes to his creatures in the woods and shoots them all, and almost shoots himself but can’t go through with it.
Monsignor Timothy visits Jude for help, even though she’s not functioning well at the moment. All she can do is advise him to kill Sister Mary Eunice. Later, Sister Mary Eunice walks in on him while he prays, and immediately can tell he plans to kill her. She taunts him about the different ways he could try, including strangling her with his rosary like he did with Shelley. He stands up to her, and for a brief moment, the real Sister Mary Eunice regains control and says she’s so tired of fighting. He tells her to let go, and tosses her over the rail and down three flights of stairs. As she hits the bottom, Shachath arrives to take both her and the devil inside her away. Monsignor Timothy prepares her body for burial, but Dr. Arden arrives and convinces him that a cremation is required, since her body was tainted by the devil. Dr. Arden takes her to the cremation furnace, then climbs on the gurney with her as he sends it into the flames.

The Staff
Well, we lost two of the main remaining staff this episode. Dr. Arden and Sister Mary Eunice made great villains, but it was time for them to go. Lily Rabe does such a fantastic job in the role, but Sister Mary Eunice’s cruelty was starting to grow tiresome. As for Dr. Arden, I feel like burning yourself alive is probably the most dramatic, painful way to commit suicide. At least he’s finally with the woman he loves, I guess.

Thredson is back on staff, but we’ll see how long that lasts with two people who want him dead, especially now that Sister Mary Eunice is not there to protect him.
Monsignor Timothy finally did something good. I feel so bad for him, though. His vows are hugely important to them, so much so that he was still a virgin at his age. He might not have been the most innocent priest in the world, but no one deserves rape.
The Patients
It’s so strange seeing Jude so discombobulated. She’s been frazzled here and there this season, but she’s always been a strong presence. Now she looks so lost all the time. I must say, as strange as the dance scene is, I kind of love it. It’s great seeing them all have fun, even if it isn’t real. Evan Peters really seems at home when he’s dancing.
I’m glad Lana helps Jude, when she has every reason to hate her. Maybe Jude was convincing enough to Mother Superior to actually get Lana out soon. One can dream.

Kit’s a dad! Though this is gonna be awkward if Alma comes back and he has a baby with someone else. Then again, we know Alma saw Grace when she was first abducted, so maybe she already knows.
Now that Sister Mary Eunice’s plotline is over, maybe we’ll finally dedicate more attention to the aliens, like I’ve been hoping for the past few episodes. I’m a little surprised they finished such a major plotline with three full episodes left, but I suppose there’s still quite a bit left to do.
Score: 7/10