Zoe and Madison revive Kyle while Fiona tracks down the secret to everlasting life.
**CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death, disturbing images**
Two gator poachers encounter Misty Day in the swamp, who calls them murderers and revives several dead alligators to kill the poachers.
Fiona has Madame LaLaurie tied up in her room and interrogates her on her secret to eternal life. Madame LaLaurie explains that it was the potion Marie Laveau gave her. Upon waking after drinking it, Madame LaLaurie discovers that a mob headed by Laveau had killed her whole family. Laveau had them chain up Madame LaLaurie and bury her. Fiona visits the still-living Laveau in her hair salon and they exchange heated words about the lineage of witchcraft and voodoo. Fiona demands the eternity potion but Laveau doesn’t give it to her. After she leaves, Laveau frees Bastien, also still alive and still wearing the bull’s head.
While Fiona is gone, Nan, annoyed by how loudly Madame LaLaurie thinks, sets LaLaurie free and kicks her out of the house. On her way out, Madame LaLaurie encounters Queenie and bashes her on the head with a candlestick (because of course she does). Fiona finds Madame LaLaurie sitting on a bench outside her old house, distraught with how the world has moved on without her. She asks if Fiona is a witch, and whether Fiona can finally kill her because she’s tired of living.
Zoe can’t get over Kyle, feeling he didn’t deserve to die with the rest of the frat boys. The cops show up to question Zoe and Madison, since the presence of an actress at the party drew people’s attention. The cops also found footage of Zoe leaving the hospital and know that the guy she killed there died the same way her boyfriend did. Freaked out by their evidence, Zoe breaks and confesses to everything, but Fiona shows up and magically compels the cops to turn over all of their evidence and forget their case. Afterwards she chews out the girls for being so sloppy.
Now that Madison knows Zoe killed the frat guy for vengeance, she decides to do Zoe a favor and use a resurrection spell on Kyle. They break into the morgue but find that the boys from the bus are all dismembered. Madison looks at the bright side and convinces Zoe to sew together all the best body parts to make Kyle even better than before. They perform the resurrection spell, which draws the attention of Misty. It doesn’t seem to work, so Madison leaves but Zoe stays behind and gives Kyle a parting kiss. The mortician arrives and catches Zoe, but Kyle revives and attacks the mortician, presumably killing him. Zoe gets Kyle into the car and drives away, only to find Misty in the backseat. Misty takes them to her cabin in the swamp, puts a poultice on Kyle’s stitches, and offers to keep him here until he is healed. Zoe figures out who Misty is, realizing her power of resurgence must have brought her back after she was burned alive. Misty has never met another witch, but she’s obsessed with Fleetwood Mac because she believes Stevie Nicks must be a witch.
Cordelia and her husband, Hank (Josh Hamilton) have been trying to conceive without luck. Hank convinces Cordelia to use magic to fix her fertility, though she’s reluctant because she doesn’t want to use magic for her whims or mess with the power over life and death. Still, they ultimately go through with a fertility spell after all.
The Students
Here Madison goes again, doing whatever she feels like with her magic, consequences be damned. That spell was super sketchy and sounded like they sold their souls to the devil. Zoe literally knew the guy for all of five minutes, but is willing to dip into dark magic to bring him back from the dead. It just would have been more meaningful if she actually had a history with the guy, instead of some random frat dude she barely knew.
In a flashback, Queenie uses her magic to hurt a belligerent customer when working at a fast food restaurant, and honestly that’s the most realistic thing that’s happened so far. I mean, it was messed up that she burned him, but he was being so entitled. I think all retail and fast food workers can relate to her desire for retaliation. Anyway, this scene made it clear that she doesn’t actually get hurt when using her power, only the other person does. Yet when Madame LaLaurie hit Queenie on the head, Queenie passed out. Not only should she not have been hurt, the damage should have been transferred to LaLaurie instead. Does Queenie have to intentionally turn the power on for it to happen? Or is this just a plot hole?
The Staff
This show is weirdly obsessed with pregnancies, seeing as how there have been several pregnancy plot lines in every season so far. At least Cordelia acknowledged that using a fertility spell was not a good idea. Granted, she still went through with it after all, but it took a lot of thought and time for her to get to this point. Instead of, you know, Madison who just willy-nilly decided to bring someone back from the dead without a second thought. I like that Cordelia’s hesitancy is due to Fiona’s lack of concern for using magic whenever she wants. It goes to show that Cordelia has watched her mother handle power and does not like what she’s done with it, or what it’s done to her.
Fiona really should know better than to piss off Marie Laveau. I think she’s just too cocky at this point, having been the supreme for so long. The thing is, Laveau has been alive for almost 200 years, so she knows way more than Fiona.
This episode has particular themes around life. Pretty much every plot line revolves around either extending life unnaturally, bringing dead people back to life, or creating new life, all using magic. Also, the name Zoe literally means “life,” so that can’t be a coincidence.
I wasn’t expecting Madame LaLaurie to be so overwhelmed, but it does make sense she would be. I just thought she seemed like such a hardened person at the start that she would come out of the coffin fighting. Instead, she’s just sad and scared.
Of course Misty is back from the dead. Did they really think killing a necromancer would work? I liked that she was drawn to the power of the resurrection spell. It makes sense that she would be attracted to the type of magic she’s connected to.

Marie Laveau also owned a beauty parlor in real life, so it’s fitting that’s where Fiona finds her.
This isn’t the first time this show has Frankensteined someone. My issue with such a plot point this time, though, is that apparently the car wreck brutally dismembered every single person inside … except for two people who didn’t lose a single body part? I feel like there could have been a middle ground in there.
This episode was okay, nothing mind blowing but the music didn’t annoy me as much as the last episode. I’m still not totally sold on the story or most of the characters, but I suppose this episode was more interesting than the last one.
Score: 6/10