Jason Reitman crafts a fun tribute to the historically chaotic events that led to SNL‘s first airing while repeating many of the same faults and problems into the present.

Jason Reitman crafts a fun tribute to the historically chaotic events that led to SNL‘s first airing while repeating many of the same faults and problems into the present.
After a shaky, exposition-heavy intro, Dune: Prophecy manages to find a groove that should satisfy the ardent franchise fans, but may be a tad alienating towards newcomers.
As a lover of fantastic tales set among god-like technology on alien planets, I gotta say it’s never fun unless there’s a good story with relatable characters. All anyone wants is a well-told tale; I just happen to like mine…
If you’re like me and have been sleeping on Spike Lee – or just haven’t watched some of his early films in a while – join me in exploring the emotions of Mo’ Better Blues.