Merchants and Marauders: Yo ho! Yo ho! A Pirate’s Life for Me!

AVAST, SCALLYWAGS AND SCOUNDRELS ALIKE! If ye think that ye be more than a bunch of landlubbers! If ye be…

C4 And The Beauty Of Small Conventions

For the general populace who have never been to a comic or anime convention (never mind the fandoms big enough…

13 SEPT 2017: Abrams Back For Star Wars: Episode IX

This week on State of the Nerd Union, Commander Shipp and Trevor Law discuss whether J.J. Abrams coming back for…

7 SEPT 2017: Joker Origin Movie, Defenders, Inhumans, Fall & Winter Movie Preview

What happens when the podcast goes on a slight hiatus along with Trevor and Kenneth having the sniffles, and plenty…

In Defense of Hating Discovery’s New Klingon Look

  Okay, I’ve lived on the internet practically my whole life. I understand how exhausting nerd hate is and how…

“Is Death Note That Bad?” Netflix’s Death Note Review

If you can ignore the anime, Death Note turns out to be a fun, but ultimately forgettable film among the…

How to Beat Mewtwo In Pokemon Go

Starting today, Niantic will theoretically be sending the first batch of invites out for their EX raid feature. This battle…

“Serkis and Reeves Shine” War for the Planet of the Apes Review

When Rise of the Planet of the Apes came out back in 2011, we had no idea of the emotionally…

Apes and Serkis Deserve An Oscar

Recently, Fox Studios announced it would be making a Best Actor / Best Picture push for Andy Serkis / Matt…

The Defenders Shows that the MCU Formula Doesn’t Work on TV

  When I first heard that The Defenders was being made, I was pumped. When I heard it was being…