The First Order Doesn’t Make Any Sense

So I really hate that fandom has devolved to the point that I have to justify how much of a…

Star Wars Celebration 2017: A Galactic Experience In Review

Every convention is a different experience. From different fandoms, to locations, to sizes, no two conventions will be exactly the…

Star Wars: Rebels Season 4 News And More!

Today at Star Wars Celebration, our correspondent got to attend the press conference for Star Wars: Rebels and we have…

The Last Jedi Trailer Is Here!!!

Today at Star Wars Celebration the official trailer for The Last Jedi was finally released. Heres the trailer for you…

Star Wars Celebration Begins In Orlando

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... Star Wars Celebration Orlando is already off to a huge…

Did Thor Get His Groove Back?

After two financially successful, but critical panned and forgettable installments, no one would fault you for being apprehensive towards another…

Pandemic: Legacy and a Word on Permanence

Welcome back to Tabletop Tuesday, I'm Nate and this week's post is going to be a bit different. Most of…

The Thor Ragnarok Trailer is here!

For your viewing pleasure, check out the trailer and it's breakdown below: …

The Rising Digital Purchase Market May Not Actually Be Good For Gamers

A couple of weeks ago we received news that the massive game selling store, Gamestop, would be closing 100+ stores…

Dominion: Estabishing Deck Building Supremecy

Dominion is a well-known deck-building game that truly sets the bar for strategic deck building. Every game has multiple paths…