Game of Thrones Teaser Finally Tells Us When Winter Arrives

That's right, we know when the penultimate chapter in the Game of Thrones Saga begins, and no doubt, when that…

Our Favorite Female Video Game Leads

In honor of International Women’s Day, we wanted to highlight some of our favorite female video game protagonists, across all…

Super Bomberman R: Saving The Galaxy One Explosion At A Time

The Nintendo Switch Released Friday with a few different titles on hand at launch. What may have come as a…

Prepare For Battle With Amiibo Unlockables In Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Last week players finally got a chance to get their hands on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild!…

How To Conquer The Dastardly Bombers In Super Bomberman R!

The Nintendo Switch launched yesterday with several titles that have pleased new and old players across the board but one…

Logan: The Spoiler-Free Review … plus Deadpool 2 teaser debuts!

I got to view by far the best of the X-Men films that Wolverine has appeared in tonight. Inevitably you've…

Smash Up – Grab Two Decks and Go!

Alien Dinosaur, Zombie Pirate, Robot Ninja... amazing Halloween costumes or amazing combos in a shufflebuilding game? Both actually! So grab…

Mass Effect and Our Favorite Aliens

Romance is a core aspect of the Mass Effect series, and has become a major part of the Bioware brand…

Disney, the Oscars, and Animation

The Oscars had a fair share of excitement on Sunday, especially in regards to the mix up over the Best…

So You Wanna Play Total War: Beginners Guide to the Series

With the release of Total War: Warhammer, the tenth installment in a series going back almost twenty years, a veritable…