The Unexpected Success of Yuuri!!! On Ice

Yuuri!!! On Ice seemed to come out of nowhere the end of last year, taking the anime community by storm.…

Where to Nerd: Oklahoma City

Plopped right in the middle of this great country of ours is the fine town of Oklahoma City.  I don't…

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Is Official!

Welp looks like we are in fact getting an updated version of Mario Kart 8 after all! While this isn't…

The Nintendo Switch Official 3rd Party List Knocked It Out Of The Park

During the Nintendo Switch Presentation this evening, Nintendo finally quelled our fears as we got a sneak peak at some…

A Brand New Fire Emblem Title Is On The Way!

Tonight we got a sneak peek at a brand new Fire Emblem game entititled "Fire Emblem Warriors!" Unfortunately though, outside…

A Brand New Mario Title For A Brand New System

What kind of new Nintendo Console would it be if it didn't feature a brand new Mario title? And this…

Lookout Folks, Looks Like Splatoon Is Back In A Brand New Sequel!

Yes Folks. Splatoon 2 is real. The rumors of an HD remake were wrong and we are instead getting a…

A Brand New Party Game For The Nintendo Switch!

During the Switch Presentation, we got to see a brand new first party title called "1 2 Switch" that looks…

The Official Specs Of The Switch

During the Nintendo Switch Presentation this evening we received a large amount of information, not the least of which was…

Nintendo Switch Online Service and Region Locking Details

During the Nintendo Switch presentation this evening we found out all sorts of information about the new console. But this…