Nintendo Switch Official Release Date and Price!

Along with a plethora of other information, we finally received the official release date of the Nintendo Switch! It will…

Race for the Galaxy: A Top Pick to Start the New Year

Race for the Galaxy (RftG) is a game from Rio Grande Games that combines the strategies of a living card…

Legion Raiding: Maximizing your potential pt 4 – Leading the Raid

In previous articles in the series I went through the basics for each role. In this last part I will…

Where to Nerd: Boulder, CO

Nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, just north of Denver, is the unique city of Boulder.  If you…

The Best Underrated TV of 2016

In the Golden Age of Television, there’s bound to be some TV shows that slip through the cracks. There are…

Carrie Fisher: Princess, General, Inspiration

On December 23rd, Carrie Fisher suffered a massive heart attack on her flight from London to LA. She had been…

Where to Nerd: Washington DC

This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.  It’s the start of our journey, together, across this great nation of…

The Jekyll Island Comic-Con

This past weekend marked my trip to the Jekyll Island Comic-con (http://www.jekyllislandcomicon.com) in sunny Georgia. Artists, gamers, and nerds united…

What Does it Mean, to be Perceived Female in Video Games

In the wake of The Game Awards and the Playstation Experience, I was reminded again just how isolated it feels…

Rogue One Is The Story You Needed

Last December, I was rather disappointed by The Force Awakens (as was much of the Nerd Union staff). While there…