Nintendo Switch Official Release Date and Price! 8 years ago Along with a plethora of other information, we finally received the official release date of the Nintendo Switch! It will… Race for the Galaxy: A Top Pick to Start the New Year 8 years ago Race for the Galaxy (RftG) is a game from Rio Grande Games that combines the strategies of a living card… Legion Raiding: Maximizing your potential pt 4 – Leading the Raid 8 years ago In previous articles in the series I went through the basics for each role. In this last part I will… Where to Nerd: Boulder, CO 8 years ago Nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, just north of Denver, is the unique city of Boulder. If you… The Best Underrated TV of 2016 8 years ago In the Golden Age of Television, there’s bound to be some TV shows that slip through the cracks. There are… Carrie Fisher: Princess, General, Inspiration 8 years ago On December 23rd, Carrie Fisher suffered a massive heart attack on her flight from London to LA. She had been… Where to Nerd: Washington DC 8 years ago This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. It’s the start of our journey, together, across this great nation of… The Jekyll Island Comic-Con 8 years ago This past weekend marked my trip to the Jekyll Island Comic-con ( in sunny Georgia. Artists, gamers, and nerds united… What Does it Mean, to be Perceived Female in Video Games 8 years ago In the wake of The Game Awards and the Playstation Experience, I was reminded again just how isolated it feels… Rogue One Is The Story You Needed 8 years ago Last December, I was rather disappointed by The Force Awakens (as was much of the Nerd Union staff). While there… Next» « Previous