The Game Awards: Seven Things To Look Out For

The Game Awards are upon us. The nominees have been in for some time, fans are casting their last votes…

Wondering If You Should Pick Up Final Fantasy XV? The Answer Is Yes.

While there hasn't been enough time in the world since the release of Final Fantasy XV to see all that…

It’s a SMALL WORLD after all!

Small World is an epic battle royal of tiny proportions. Players take turns picking different races with unique modifiers to…

Moana’s Splash is Worth the Hype

Disney’s been having a good year with animation, as Moana hit theaters for the holiday weekend. Beautifully animated, matched with…

The Starter Guide To Pokemon Sun and Moon

This past weekend featured tons of black Friday sales and today is cyber Monday. In the midst of all this…

We Have Found A Ditto!

For those who haven't heard, Ditto has come out of hiding. …

There May Be More To The Pokemon Sun And Moon Glitch Than Meets The Eye

Earlier today reports about a glitch in Pokemon Sun and Moon started surfacing regarding saving in Pokemon Centers. The creator…

Hop On Hop Off Video Game Time Killers

Today I Thought I would feed the community a few video games that can fill that gap in your day…

Carcassonne – The Best Board Game Ever?

Carcassonne has proven itself to be one of the greatest board games ever made. Millions of copies sold, nearly 20…

Five Academy Nominees You May Have Missed

Each year, a slew of films are nominated for an Academy Award. Most folks follow Best Picture, or have an…