Injustice 2 Officially Confirmed

Oh boy. So on top of the Batman V. Superman madness of this year it looks like we will also…

The Newest Pokémon Sun And Moon Trailer Is Here!

As the November 18th release date creeps closer and closer, we are being given more and more information on the…

The First Trailer For A Nintendo NX Game Has Arrived!

After months and months of silence on any "Official" news on the Nintendo NX, it seems that we have finally…

Everyone Can Stop Freaking Out: Alfred Back For More Movies

After the latest adventure in the DCEU DC has had its own Civil War on its hands between the fans…

Is Overwatch Over The Top Awesome Or Overhyped Fizzle?

Its been a few days since the servers of Blizzard's latest title "Overwatch" have been flooded with gamers who have…

5 Things To Know Before You Buy Overwatch

Overwatch is easily one of the most hyped, if not THE most hyped game of 2016. That being said, before…

Pokemon Go U.S. Field Test Invites Go Out Today

According to Niantic's Facebook page, Pokemon Go field test invites should start rolling out today! So check your emails and …

What the Flash Season Finale Means for the Arrowverse

Wow. Okay. That was big. SO, for many of you who watched the Flash last night, what happened may not…

A Letter For Anyone Who Wants Nintendo To Make A “Normal” Console

Console wars have been a thing for a long time now but lately Nintendo seems to have fallen behind the…

The New Star Trek Trailer Goes Boldly Where Someone Else Has Gone Before

Another day, another Star Trek Trailer. We now have our first full length trailer for Star Trek Beyond which has…