7 Tips To Help You Not Die In Dark Souls III

If you are new to the Dark Souls series like I am, then when you first pick up the game…

About That Cross Platform Play Microsoft And Sony Announced

About a month ago Microsoft basically announced that it would support cross network play between anyone who was willing to…

12 Pokemon Who Deserve A Mega Evolution In Sun And Moon

It's no secret that Mega Evolution has been a game changing mechanic in the Pokemon franchise. (Literally, its been used…

We Have Seen The Future Of Star Trek, And It’s Time To Worry.

In a recent article by io9 it was revealed that Star Trek Beyond was barely talked about at CinemaCon 2016.…

Kevin Costner’s Got An Edge in “Criminal”

If you get past the murky science being presented in Criminal, there's an enjoyable action ride here even if it's still…

6 Ways “The Walking Dead” Will Probably End

Nerd Faithful, it's Commander Shipp here with a few theories on The Walking Dead. Look, I'm totally going to be…

The Official Dr. Strange Trailer Is Finally Here!!!!

Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live we got to see the new trailer for Marvel's upcoming Dr. Strange trailer and man,…

Star Fox Zero Is This Generation’s Star Fox 64

A while back we received news of a Final Fantasy VII remake being in the works. Next week we get…

Hey Look! A New Suicide Squad Trailer!

Turns out a new suicide squad trailer just dropped this evening and we thought the best idea would be to…

A Few Observations From Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

By now you've probably seen the new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. And it's got us wondering:…