Update: This article was originally published on 7.29.2015 following the internet backlash of the first screenshots provided of Apocalypse in the…

Did The Force Awakens Fix “The Force”?

One movie ago, we knew that midichlorians were the apparent life blood of Force users. Did Episode 7 just reset…

“Spike Lee, Relevant As Always” Chi-Raq Review

Lysistrata is not the first Greek play that would have come to my mind for an adaptation. Positioned in a…

Pokémon Go Updates! A Whole New World of Pokemon Exploration

Looks like we’ve got some new updates on Nintendo and Niantic’s upcoming mobile title Pokémon Go! In a recent interview…

State of the Nerd Union: Star Wars VII Spoilercast

We break down the event that is Star Wars: the Force Awakens. Full spoilers ahead. Seriously... we spoil EVERYTHING!!! So go…

“Fassbender and Cotillard Excel” Macbeth Review

I must admit that Macbeth slipped under my radar. However, after seeing a rather impressive trailer, it quickly rose to the…

“The Force Has Returned” Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (Spoiler-free)

Since the first Star Wars trailer dropped, we've all wanted to know: Will it be any good? Would J.J. Abrams deliver…

New Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 and III Trailers

By Jerry Maynard Happy Saturday friends! Last night at Japan's Jump Festa we received a bit of an early Christmas…

The Great Prequel Debate Podcast is Here!

We have writers Kenneth Shipp and W.T. Bane (Zach Nichols) debate the merits of the Star Wars Prequels. It's a…

9 Times R2-D2 Proved He Was The Real Hero Of Star Wars

With Star War’s coming up this week, we are all excited to find out what happens next in the story…