Slightly Better? Heroes Reborn Review

By Kenneth Shipp "The Needs of the Many" Episode 4 Let's face facts people: There was a lot to like…

The Flash Can’t Overcome Its CW Roots

By James Nelson Last night saw the premiere of season 2 ofThe Flash, and although it was full of some…

5 Things That Will Happen on the Flash This Season

By James Nelson For all of you unfamiliar with the comics, and are just dying to know what’s going to…

Liberals Love To Quote The Pope: Why They Shouldn’t Do It So Casually.

By Trevor Law So Pope Francis visited Congress last week and gave a stern lecture on the immoralities of capitalism…

Life With Pokemon Go!

Updated: July 11th, 2016-  Since the release, we've now added more recent memes with the explosion in Pokemon Go content. With…

Top Cosplays of Salt Lake Comic Con Day 1

We're having a blast at Salt Lake Comic Con! Check out some of our favorite cosplays of Day 1! …

Heroes Reborn Premiere: A Promising Start?

By Kenneth Shipp If you read my lukewarm reception to the Heroes: Reborn announcement, you'll know I was concerned about…

The Muppets Have Become a Dark Parody of Themselves

I want to start this off with background before we get into the review of the actual show. I absolutely…

A Union Of Nerds: Finding Unity In A Nation Divided

By Jerry Maynard There are many things I am grateful to God for in my life but surely at the…

Election 2016 snapshot: Rise of the Carter Clones

By Trevor Law A few weeks ago I confidently predicted Scott Walker would be the Republican nominee and I even…