“Star Trek: Timelines,” Choose your own Trekventure!!!!

By Jerry Maynard Its Star Trek week here at Nerd Union and we’ve been spending all week covering one of…

The Best Star Trek Video Games on This Side of the Quadrant

By James Nelson I will admit, when I think of great games, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t…

Top Ten Must See Star Trek: The Original Series

State of the Nerd Union regulars Zach Nichols and Trevor Law discuss the must-see episodes of TOS along side guest…

Why Enterprise Deserves a Second Look

By James Nelson “Cause I got faith, of the heart/I’m going where my heart will take me/I’ve got faith, to…

The Music of Star Trek

By Kenneth Shipp There's no sound in space....definitely one of the most overused space facts in movie trailers ever. But…

The Worst Trek Villains

By James Nelson With a series that's history spans forty-nine years, with five TV series and twelve movies, there's bound…

Official Deadpool Trailer (NSFW)

The official Red Band trailer of Deadpool is finally here!! Tell us what you think in the comments, much better…

2016 election snapshot: The party of losing

by Trevor Law As I have already covered the republican primary, and the general election dynamics that will be at…

How Gene Roddenberry (nearly) Killed Star Trek

By James Nelson In case you avoided the media blitz on Thursday, William Shatner has released a new documentary about…

The Wrath of Khan: A Tale of Two Ships

By Zach Nichols Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is widely regarded as the greatest of the Star Trek…