It’s time for a high stakes high seas adventure in the world of Runeterra in League of Legends. Currently League of Legends has a special summer event going on that currently has its focus on the characters of Graves (a…
Author: Nerd Union

A snapshot of 2016 elections
I CAN SEE THE FUTURE, or at least that is what I tell people. Wait, let me explain before this starts sounding like the rantings of a mad man. I have been watching the shifting of electoral politics in this…

Why the GOP really hates the Iran deal.
As I am sure you have heard President Obama gave away American security to Iran. I am here to tell you that most of what you are hearing is really a smokescreen and there is a lot going on behind…
Brightest day or blackest night?
Normally, I’m not one to give credence to casting rumors and hearsay. However, this most recent rumor on Dc’s potential film casting warranted my attention. Especially since it concerns my favorite super hero (or heroes depending on how you look…

Nintendo dropped loads of news at E3
By Jerry Maynard Continuing on our recap of last weeks tremendous amount of news from E3 we reach the topic of one of the major players of gaming from the start (no pun intended) Nintendo. Nintendo has introduced many of us…
State of the Nerd Union: Week of June 14
Our host Zach leads a discussion of this weeks E3 news, the Game of Thrones finale, and Jurassic World.

The Star Wars Battlefront trailer makes us want to be a Jedi again
E3 Star Wars Battlefront trailer By Jerry Maynard In the wake of the past few days we have seen a pleathora of information coming from our favorite gaming companies, some of which included information via conferences and other via cinematic…