This is the premiere episode of Red Shirt Rejects, Nerd Union’s officially unofficial Star Trek Podcast. This week Kyle and Zach “The Wild Turkey” Nichols discuss what to expect from Star Trek Discovery, incest Klingon babies, what got them into…

This is the premiere episode of Red Shirt Rejects, Nerd Union’s officially unofficial Star Trek Podcast. This week Kyle and Zach “The Wild Turkey” Nichols discuss what to expect from Star Trek Discovery, incest Klingon babies, what got them into…
When I first heard that The Defenders was being made, I was pumped. When I heard it was being made and streamed on Netflix, I about had a heart attack I was so happy (and it’s not that difficult…
When the final credits rolled I sort of sat on my couch and let out a short, quick sigh. This was what all this buildup was about. This was what 67 episodes, 62 hours, or 3770 minutes had built…
Harebrained Schemes (HBS) arrived at GenCon with the latest update to their game, Battletech, which included the demo for the single player mode. Battletech, as a property, has a long and storied history. It’s only fitting that the man who…
Last year, a small startup from Seattle, Washington showed up to GenCon with a prototype and a dream: to be the destination for artists and writers to bring their stories to the world. They developed a software which allowed…
Paizo, on the opening day of GenCon, had an open meeting updating the current state of the Pathfinder MMO. Lisa Stevens, the CEO of Paizo led the frank and informative discussion about the history, current status, and future of the…
Today at GenCon 50, Rule & Make debuted their latest offering, T2029, a board game set in the post apocalyptic hellscape seen in the opening of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The game that was showed off on the floor was…
The official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas is now in full swing. To kick off the events, CBS has actually put props and art on display from their upcoming series, Star Trek Discovery. This is actually somewhat of a…
As has been reported across the internet for the last couple of days, Nicholas Meyer appears to be working on a new Star Trek project for CBS. That series is now rumored to be a return to the character that…
Welcome to the Bannerhood. The premiere source wet your Game of Thrones appetite leading up to and during Season 7. This first episode has Joey and Chelsea breaking down some of their favorite theories and getting you set up for…