Star Trek’s original pilot has a sordid and somewhat fabled history in the development of the Trek franchise. The fact of it’s existence isn’t so different from an innumerable amount of pilots out there, but what is unusual is that…

Star Trek’s original pilot has a sordid and somewhat fabled history in the development of the Trek franchise. The fact of it’s existence isn’t so different from an innumerable amount of pilots out there, but what is unusual is that…
If you’ve read that headline, and have even a passing familiarity with the Star Trek franchise, you understand that this is no ordinary task. I am a huge Trek fan, and have been as far back as I can remember.…
We were due for a little bit more information from CBS about the new Star Trek series, and we finally got it today. Check out what we know after the jump.
This week I have watched the TV in utter horror. I don’t say this to be political, and I don’t mean for this to be derogatory toward conservatives (on the contrary, real conservatism has a lot of virtue), but the…
Another day, another news story about a Star Trek sequel. To be completely honest, when the stars were doing press junkets for Into Darkness, most of them seemed so lukewarm on continuing the franchise that I doubted we would ever…
So a funny thing happened the other day … I went for a walk. Now, by this point you can imagine why. My wife loves taking walks, but currently I walk for a living at my retail gig, so to…
So the news has broken that John Barrowman, aka Malcom Merlyn, has been promoted to series regular … but not just on Arrow. He’s been made a regular on every Arrowverse series. That includes the time hopping Legends of Tomorrow…
Wow. Okay. That was big. SO, for many of you who watched the Flash last night, what happened may not mean all that much to you. It seems to be just another interesting season finale cliffhanger, but it’s so much…
Another day, another Star Trek Trailer. We now have our first full length trailer for Star Trek Beyond which has given us our first real look at the movie. For some reason it got released late on a Friday night,…
Without going into too much detail (you’ll get our analysis shortly), we finally get a new trailer for Star Trek Beyond meant to make it up to Trek fans. Check it out below: The reason I say that? Notice the…