Familiar faces return in this season premiere, but the structure so far feels like we’re setup for a slow burn.

Familiar faces return in this season premiere, but the structure so far feels like we’re setup for a slow burn.
In the Star Wars franchise, I have always been ambivalent towards the character of Boba Fett – he looked cool, but I didn’t understand the praise he received as being this absolute badass. Then once Attack of the Clones (2002)…
The pros and cons of season three of American Horror Story. Synopsis In New Orleans, a coven of witches run a school for young witches (“Bitchcraft“). Their number has dwindled over the decades, and now there are only four students…
The witches participate in the seven wonders to see which of them will become the next supreme. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death** Synopsis The coven partakes of one last dinner before the trials of the seven wonders begins. Myrtle somberly reminds…
Preparations are made to select the next supreme. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death** Synopsis An instructional video explains the seven wonders, a dangerous test that proves who is worthy to become the supreme. The seven categories are telekinesis, concilium (control of…
Cordelia takes a desperate step to restore her powers while Fiona and Laveau put an end to the witch hunters. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, torture, death** Synopsis The coven attends Nan’s funeral and are interrupted by Queenie’s return. She’s magically restored…
Marie Laveau’s immortality comes at a price, one Fiona is willing to give. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, child death** Synopsis Laveau shares a heart to heart with Fiona as she takes refuge under her roof. That night, Papa Legba (Lance Reddick)…
Laveau pressures Hank to finally kill the witches once and for all. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, death** Synopsis In 1991, Hank’s father takes him hunting in the woods, but their prey is witches, not wildlife. In the present, Myrtle makes sure…
The coven plots to push Fiona to suicide in order to invoke a special ritual and declare the new supreme. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, suicide, death, rape** Synopsis Queenie murders a hobo who has raped multiple girls in order to give…
Cordelia and Zoe learn the truth about who killed Madison and conspire to take action. **CONTENT WARNING: Violence, child death, torture, disturbing images** Synopsis Kyle remembers going to a tattoo parlor with his buddies, but he doesn’t get a tattoo.…