Obviously, Nerd Union wasn’t around when this awesome gem was released back in 1996, but with it being July 4th, this is a great opportunity to go back in time and review a movie that still holds up after all…
“Best Sci-Fi Film In Ages” Ex Machina Review
I still haven’t seen Love and Mercy or Dope, two movies which could possibly sway or change my decision. I’ve been hearing great reviews and praise for those two films. And even with the amazing quality we received from George…
Kingdom Hearts 3 Hype
It seems that Sony is finally bringing the clash between light and darkness to a close in the latest E3 announcement of the next Kingdom Hearts installment. And boy does it look good but the question is, what can we…
“What Did I Just Watch?” Terminator Genisys Review
As the bad reviews started to pour in, I contemplating not even writing this review and tearing up my ticket. It would have been a better decision than going through the mind numbing and painful experience that was Terminator Genisys.…
Brightest day or blackest night?
Normally, I’m not one to give credence to casting rumors and hearsay. However, this most recent rumor on Dc’s potential film casting warranted my attention. Especially since it concerns my favorite super hero (or heroes depending on how you look…
All New All Different Marvel Is Changing Everything! Why You Should Be Excited
It seems every year both Marvel and DC bring us a line-wide crossover that will “shake the foundations of the multiverse to its core and nothing will ever be the same.” Well this year Marvel looks to actually deliver on…

Temper Your Expectations for True Detective Season 2
By James Nelson I can’t say that I didn’t expect this. Season one was possibly the best season of a TV show I’ve ever seen. It wonderfully captured the gritty noir atmosphere that most shoot for and miss terribly and…

In Star Wars Rebels Escalation is the Name of the Game.
By Zach Nichols Star Wars Rebels returned this weekend with a double sized season premiere, and they doubled more than just the length of the episode. The premiere has twice the excitement, twice the cameos and twice the adventure as…

Nintendo dropped loads of news at E3
By Jerry Maynard Continuing on our recap of last weeks tremendous amount of news from E3 we reach the topic of one of the major players of gaming from the start (no pun intended) Nintendo. Nintendo has introduced many of us…
“Pixar Dominance Continues” Inside Out Review
Inside Out review (Spoiler-free!!) by Kenneth Shipp Walking into Pixar and Disney’s new and imaginative Inside Out, I always expect great quality if it came from the Pixar team (We won’t talk about Cars and Cars 2, that’s for another…