An exploration of the story as a whole and what made it so good. Synopsis Briarcliff is an asylum in the 1960’s run by a corrupt crew who torture their patients (“Welcome to Briarcliff“). Many horrors are drawn to its…

An exploration of the story as a whole and what made it so good. Synopsis Briarcliff is an asylum in the 1960’s run by a corrupt crew who torture their patients (“Welcome to Briarcliff“). Many horrors are drawn to its…
Spanning the next several years, Kit, Jude, and Lana’s lives continue on, filled with success and horror. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence** Synopsis In 1967, a few years after the events at Briarcliff, Kit, Alma, and Grace have built a…
Lana and Kit find liberation at last, but will they ever truly be free of Braircliff? **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence and abortion** Synopsis Johnny Morgan, apparently claiming Thredson’s old home as his own now, hires a prostitute who recently…
Jude endures patient life. Monsignor Timothy takes on the devil. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence, rape, and suicide** Synopsis Dr. Arden revives Kit from death and lies to him about the success of the experiment. Afterwards, he checks on Grace,…
The truth is revealed about the Bloody Face in the present day. Dr. Arden is determined to draw the aliens back to Briarcliff. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence/body horror and abortion** Synopsis In the present, Johnny Morgan (Dylon McDermott) meets…
Sister Jude launches an attack against Sister Mary Eunice while a Braircliff patient is influenced by the Christmas spirit. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence, mentions of genocide and rape** Synopsis In 1962, Leigh (Ian McShane) murders a Salvation Army Santa…
The angel of death makes her rounds through Briarcliff and those tied to it. Sister Jude learns some shocking news. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence and rape** Synopsis Grace is weak from blood loss and sees Shachath (Francis Conroy), the…
We learn of the origin of many monsters—Bloody Face, Dr. Arden and his creatures, plus a new young serial killer. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence/body horror, disturbing photos** Synopsis In present day, Bloody Face anonymously calls the police to come…
Anne Frank’s story is concluded and we learn the true identity of Bloody Face. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence and body horror, disturbing photos** Synopsis Anne is disarmed by a security guard. The staff searches Dr. Arden’s lab, but they…
A new patient claims to be Anne Frank and accuses Dr. Arden of being a Nazi. Grace’s backstory is revealed. Kit questions his sanity. **CONTENT WARNING: Descriptions of violence and conversion therapy, mentions of rape** Synopsis This is the first…