Spiral: From the Book of Saw is the Ninth film in the Saw franchise. Ninth film. Nine? How did this little short film from 2003 produce, to date, Nine films? Well, because people like myself keep showing up for them.…

Spiral: From the Book of Saw is the Ninth film in the Saw franchise. Ninth film. Nine? How did this little short film from 2003 produce, to date, Nine films? Well, because people like myself keep showing up for them.…
From Chris Rock delivering some blows to the Academy, to a ill-advised appearance and joke from Stacey Dash, and even a oddly mixed message (The Weekend performed his single, “Earned It” from 50 Shades of Grey before Lady Gaga got on…
Watching the Oscars was like watching a conductor deliberately drive his train off a cliff. It was like seeing a man literally catch himself on fire in front of his peers and feel no pain. Chris Rock laughed as every…