A few days ago Hillary Clinton came out in favor of labeling Isis, also known as Daish, as committing acts of Genocide against not just the Yazidi people but also Christians in both Iraq and Syria. Her exact words were:…

A few days ago Hillary Clinton came out in favor of labeling Isis, also known as Daish, as committing acts of Genocide against not just the Yazidi people but also Christians in both Iraq and Syria. Her exact words were:…
By Trevor Law Looking back there was a time when I would have been considered a Muslim apologist, the person that says Islam is a religion of peace and is being perverted for someones own use. However, the truth is…
As I am sure you have heard President Obama gave away American security to Iran. I am here to tell you that most of what you are hearing is really a smokescreen and there is a lot going on behind…