I will be the first to admit I had my doubts about how fun Starfinder games would be. I have been getting burned out on d20 games and didn’t believe Starfinder could change my mind. Boy was I wrong.…

I will be the first to admit I had my doubts about how fun Starfinder games would be. I have been getting burned out on d20 games and didn’t believe Starfinder could change my mind. Boy was I wrong.…
At the 3rd day of GenCon 50, there was a panel of the upcoming Pathfinder Kingmaker game. Led by Alexander Mishulin, he went over the basics of the new game, it’s goals, and how much it would remain the…
Last year, a small startup from Seattle, Washington showed up to GenCon with a prototype and a dream: to be the destination for artists and writers to bring their stories to the world. They developed a software which allowed…
Paizo, on the opening day of GenCon, had an open meeting updating the current state of the Pathfinder MMO. Lisa Stevens, the CEO of Paizo led the frank and informative discussion about the history, current status, and future of the…
Today at GenCon 50, Rule & Make debuted their latest offering, T2029, a board game set in the post apocalyptic hellscape seen in the opening of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The game that was showed off on the floor was…
With GenCon kicking off today, Indianapolis and the House That Peyton Built have become flooded with the most hardcore and experienced of tabletop gamers, myself included. GenCon is truly an adult toy store, from meticulously-created miniatures and dice to thousands…