The first full length trailer for Marvel’s Iron Fist has just dropped and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Check it out below!! Like this? Check out some of our other content The Unbearable Lightness of Booking, or How Do You…

The first full length trailer for Marvel’s Iron Fist has just dropped and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Check it out below!! Like this? Check out some of our other content The Unbearable Lightness of Booking, or How Do You…
Hey Nerd Faithful, It’s Commander Shipp here giving you a Monday morning wrap up to Comic Con. It has been one of the most productive and exciting Cons when Hall H is getting bombarded with trailers and countless updates. With…
The first good look at Marvel’s final two series before the Defenders finally come together. While the Iron Fist video is just a small teaser, we get a better look with the trailer for Luke Cage. It’s already looking different…
Some of the top shows on television right now involve a superhero of some sort. But the success and quality of Netflix series Daredevil and Jessica Jones begs a question: Would shows like Arrow or Agents of Shield fare better…