Welcome to The Rundown report (as gathered by Taryn Belle) with Nerd Union for the weekend of July 9th, 2021. MOVIES So we know movies and merchandise are intricately interwoven into our capitalistic society, but lately Disney’s merch releases have…

Welcome to The Rundown report (as gathered by Taryn Belle) with Nerd Union for the weekend of July 9th, 2021. MOVIES So we know movies and merchandise are intricately interwoven into our capitalistic society, but lately Disney’s merch releases have…
In Agents of Shields first three seasons, the epic two hour conclusion of the seasonal arc has always been satisfying, and indeed last season’s felt very difficult to top. The finale did not meet the lofty expectations I set for…
Deadpool really pulled it off this weekend with a gross of over $300 million worldwide. While a success for the property itself, it’s huge victory for comic properties for a more mature audience. Long has it been thought a…
The PR machine is starting to rev up for Daredevil Season 2, which means we’re getting ever closer to the inevitable release (March 18 on Netflix). So lets get to discussing what we should expect to see in the next…
This episode left me pulling my hair out … because I’m going to have to wait until March to see what happens next. This has been the best episode of Agents of Shield this season, by far. I normally don’t…
By James Nelson We live in a golden age of geek fare, from digital comics and trade paper backs available at a moments notice, board games to match every taste, and of course, the excellent television and film adaptations of…
By James Nelson “While a great many people see [Captain America] as a hero, some prefer the word vigilante,” is one of the first sentences spoken in the new trailer, followed by a movie trailer, which turns the movie’s supposed…
By James Nelson We’re about a month away from the live action debut of Jessica Jones, the second female character that Marvel has given a standalone series to (seriously, they’ve only done Agent Carter, and it was pretty terrible). Aside…
By W.T. Bane Reboots happen. They are a part of the film world despite how much fans complain about them. They are going to keep happening because it’s easier for studios just to make something again since fans are already familiar…
By James Nelson Based on various leaks and announcements from the set of Civil War we’ve learned that this movie is going to be action packed and stuffed to the gills with heroes. Everything I’ve heard about this movie makes…