This week on the Rundown, Taryn discusses Doctor Strange rumors, the legal challenges to the Microsoft-Activison deal, and tons of product deals from Amazon, Samsung, and more merch, like a Mandalorian Potato Head?
Tag: Nintendo Switch

Pokken Tournament DX, Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon And More Coming Soon!
This morning’s Pokemon Direct Featured a lot more reveals than anyone was expecting and hopefully finally killed off all the click bait Pokemon Stars nonsense once and for all. Lets dive in

Mario Kart 8: Deluxe! Expanding On Familiar Territory
The Nintendo Switch has quite a number of first party titles lined up for the year but what would any Nintendo console be without a new Mario Kart title? The problem here, is that this isn’t exactly a “new” title,…

Should You Buy A Nintendo Switch?
We have had a couple of weeks with our Nintendo Switch, and have had a decent amount of time to see what works and what doesn’t. The problem is, we have realized that whether or not you enjoy the switch…

Super Bomberman R: Saving The Galaxy One Explosion At A Time
The Nintendo Switch Released Friday with a few different titles on hand at launch. What may have come as a surprise was the return of an old explosive hero, Bomberman! Super Bomberman R returns to some of its classic SNES…

Prepare For Battle With Amiibo Unlockables In Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Last week players finally got a chance to get their hands on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild! Players also were told that the game would be compatible with the Nintendo’s new Breath of The Wild Amiibos. What…

How To Conquer The Dastardly Bombers In Super Bomberman R!
The Nintendo Switch launched yesterday with several titles that have pleased new and old players across the board but one in particular brought back lots of nostaligic feelings of classic gaming days from the SNES. No, we don’t mean you…

A Brand New Fire Emblem Title Is On The Way!
Tonight we got a sneak peek at a brand new Fire Emblem game entititled “Fire Emblem Warriors!” Unfortunately though, outside of seeing all of the Iconic weapons from the Fire Emblem series, we don’t know anything else about the game…

A Brand New Party Game For The Nintendo Switch!
During the Switch Presentation, we got to see a brand new first party title called “1 2 Switch” that looks like it will be a great party game! Lets check it out!

Nintendo Switch Official Release Date and Price!
Along with a plethora of other information, we finally received the official release date of the Nintendo Switch! It will be March 3rd 2017 across the world! and cost $ 299.99 USD. Pre orders start tomorrow and are apparently in…