Valentines day came early in Pokemon GO today with a brand new surprise Holiday event that features all sorts of sweet treats! We’ve got the details for you on all the festivities and increased spawn rates!

Valentines day came early in Pokemon GO today with a brand new surprise Holiday event that features all sorts of sweet treats! We’ve got the details for you on all the festivities and increased spawn rates!
During the Nintendo Switch Presentation this evening we received a large amount of information, not the least of which was official information on some of the Specs of Nintendo’s upcoming system. So let’s dive in and discuss that shall we?
Along with a plethora of other information, we finally received the official release date of the Nintendo Switch! It will be March 3rd 2017 across the world! and cost $ 299.99 USD. Pre orders start tomorrow and are apparently in…
The moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived! Gen 2 Pokemon have finally been added into Pokemon Go! Well …. at least the baby Pokemon have. These and several others will be added into the game later today…
With the Pokemon Sun and Moon release just around the corner, we wanted to give you a quick roundup of all the officially released information to get you amped up for the game’s release this weekend! (No hacker spoilers will…
Oh boy. So on top of the Batman V. Superman madness of this year it looks like we will also be getting a new entry in the Injustice video game series as well. Check out the trailer for the game…
After months and months of silence on any “Official” news on the Nintendo NX, it seems that we have finally been given some news on an ACTUAL Nintendo NX game that isn’t Zelda on top of getting a trailer with…
A while back The Pokemon Company finally let loose the information that they were making a new Pokémon game and it looks like today is the day that we finally get some details about this game including the official starters…
Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live we got to see the new trailer for Marvel’s upcoming Dr. Strange trailer and man, is it looking incredible! Here’s the trailer for your own mystical viewing pleasure.
Turns out a new suicide squad trailer just dropped this evening and we thought the best idea would be to share it with all of you! Here ya go! Enjoy the insanity! And of course….it features great music again