One of the noticeable issues behind the massively downloaded “Pokemon Go” is the lack of any sort of good in game manual as to what each thing does or how the game really works overall. So we constructed a manual…

One of the noticeable issues behind the massively downloaded “Pokemon Go” is the lack of any sort of good in game manual as to what each thing does or how the game really works overall. So we constructed a manual…
Trainers, the moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived! We are now able to travel across the land, searching far and wide to catch them all! Yes Pokemon Go is now live in the U.S. and is available…
This morning we got to hear a few updates on where Pokemon Go was at including what sounded like a projected release date! Here’s the scoop!
We just got to see a whole slew of new Pokemon Sun and Moon Footage this morning so lets go ahead and dive in! Get it?…cuz it’s on an Island this time…Ok, I’ll stop.
As the November 18th release date creeps closer and closer, we are being given more and more information on the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Moon games and today we have a new trailer with all sorts of fun new information…
So in case you missed it, Pokemon Go is a thing, and sign ups for its Beta is live. Check out the site here. If you don’t know what Pokemon Go is then I have to assume you have been…
A while back The Pokemon Company finally let loose the information that they were making a new Pokémon game and it looks like today is the day that we finally get some details about this game including the official starters…
It’s no secret that Mega Evolution has been a game changing mechanic in the Pokemon franchise. (Literally, its been used as a plot device!) However, despite all the fun we’ve been having there seem to be more than a few…
We here at Nerd Union think video game scores are important but we wonder if the way we have been scoring them all these years is actually the best way to do it. I don’t mean we should stop looking…
Its been close to a month now since we received the re-released 3DS versions of Pokemon: Red Blue and Yellow which has given us plenty of time to re-live some of that old nostalgia of OG pokemon battles. It’s definitely…