The Nintendo Switch has quite a number of first party titles lined up for the year but what would any Nintendo console be without a new Mario Kart title? The problem here, is that this isn’t exactly a “new” title,…

The Nintendo Switch has quite a number of first party titles lined up for the year but what would any Nintendo console be without a new Mario Kart title? The problem here, is that this isn’t exactly a “new” title,…
This morning featured some new information on the new Legend of Zelda game so let’s jump into that shall we?
We’ve already made it through a fourth of the year and so far, it’s had lots of various fun things for gamers of all types. To keep that gaming excitement going, we thought we would give you an easy overview…
Recently, rumors have been surfacing about Nintendo ceasing it’s production of its current console, the Wii U. These reports came from a Japanese newspaper Nikkei that is usually quite accurate when reporting on Nintendo rumors.
Nintendo has gotten a pretty bad rap lately when it comes to their consoles and honestly, I get it. I really do. The original Wii wasn’t everything we quite thought it would be, but I do think that gamers as a…
Open world adventure games are a pretty normal occurrence in the current gaming environment on the Xbox One and the Ps4. Open world adventure games on Nintendo systems however are not and man in Xenoblade Chronicles X , they put…
So this post has been building since I saw the travesty that took place at E3. The travesty you ask? Nintendo’s completely lackluster presentation. I saw the Star Fox Zero gameplay, the lack of Zelda, and no Nintendo NX in…