It’s official: Reynolds persistent nagging on Hugh Jackman has paid off, as Hugh’s agreed to come back to play his version of Wolverine in Deadpool 3

It’s official: Reynolds persistent nagging on Hugh Jackman has paid off, as Hugh’s agreed to come back to play his version of Wolverine in Deadpool 3
The final shot is worth the watch. Enjoy the newest X-Men trailer! Also check out: The Official Dr. Strange Trailer Is Finally Here!!!! Hey Look! A New Suicide Squad Trailer! A Few Observations From Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
With a new year means new comic book movies. Most are great, but some are infamously bad. Lets take a look at the worst of the worst shall we.
Rarely does Biff, I mean Fox, ever get anything right. Just look at X-Men Origins: Weird Deadpool or Fantastic Four: Disappearing Facial Hair/Wig Edition; two excellent properties that they have almost or successfully run into the ground. The only reason X-Men: Days…